
I hope this blog will help people give and get ideas about quilting or any other stitching you're doing. I've been inspired by so many things on the web, I hope this becomes one of those things for someone.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Holiday Block Swap

One of the groups I belong to on facebook is holding a holiday block swap for it's members, and I decided to participate.......we'll see how this goes.

I decided to use my pretty pretty EQ7 to make some unique blocks for the lucky ladies in my group and the results were varied. The blocks that I chose that were completely pieced turned out great, the blocks that I decided to paper piece......well it was challenging to say the least. I had to completely re-do one of the blocks because I messed it up so bad.  Apparently I have no concept as to how to cut the pieces before you use them.  Now I'm not a novice at paper piecing, I've been in the process of completing a pattern from Starr Fabrics for a while now.  So I thought I could handle it....apparently not. I wasted the most beautiful sparkly black fabric, but alas I went to fabric store got a different black and tried again. Needless to say I am now an expert at measuring the approximate cutting sizes for paper piecing! Tell me what you think of my blocks:



Halloween, one of my favorites! Didn't want to send this one away.


Independence Day

Mardi Gras

New Year's Eve, another favorite.

Canadian Remembrance Day


The only criteria to create the blocks were to use the colors that the requestor specified.  I think I did a pretty good job, but I won't find out until the middle of October! Yikes! Fingers crossed.....

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